岡山県民おすすめ!! 神楽尾公園は、津山盆地のほぼ中央に位置する神楽尾山にある公園です。
住所 岡山県津山市総社240
電車の場合 JR津山駅を出て、県道68号線を北へ徒歩約58分。 タクシーを駅から利用して約12分。
自動車の場合 津山インターチェンジから約8km。 インター下車後、国道53号を岡山方面へ向けて西へ 途中、県道68号線へ右折
Kagurao Park is a park on Mount Kagurao located in the middle of the Tsuyama Basin.
The park is one of the few facilities in the city, including not only playground equipment but also a training room where exhibitions can be held, a promenade ideal for jogging, and outdoor facilities for day camping.
There are real traffic lights in the park, and you can enjoy traffic safety while enjoying a go-kart, and you can enjoy the seasonal season as it is planted so that you can appreciate nearly 100 cherry blossoms and autumn leaves.