【神秘の名所】 岡山のお出かけスポット 備中鐘乳穴(びっちゅうかなちあな)

岡山県民おすすめ!!穴場スポット!行く価値あり!! 岡山県指定天然記念物! 平安時代に書かれた『日本三大実録』に記された、文献に残る日本最古の歴史とロマンを秘めた「備中鐘乳穴(びっちゅうかなちあな)」。

住所 岡山県真庭市上水田8854-1 営業時間 AM10:00~PM5:00
※休日は不定休 ※1月、2月は日,祝祭日のみ営業
料金 大人700円、中・高生500円、小人(5歳以上)350円
アクセス 中国自動車道北房ICから約15分


The “Bicchu Kanachiana” which has the oldest history and romance in Japan, which remains in the literature, written in the “The Three Greatest Stories of Japan” written during the Heian period. Of the total length of approximately 800m, approximately 300m is currently released as a tourist cave.
I am overwhelmed by dynamic scenery such as the “five-story tower” made of 22 layers of stalactites, which is said to be the best in Japan, and the large stone mound “Dounai Fuji” with a height of 3 m and a diameter of 5 m. In the cave, the temperature is 9 degrees throughout the year and the summer is cool and the winter is warm.
From late June to early July, you can enjoy the scenery where mysterious Himebotaru dances.