【春の風景】 岡山のお出かけスポット 美作湯郷河川敷

岡山県民おすすめ!! 美作湯郷河川敷 吉野川河川敷の桜 温泉街ほとりでお花見散策 湯郷温泉街の南を流れる吉野川の河川敷に並んだ約50本のソメイヨシノ。

岡山県美作市湯郷 吉野川河川敷 中国道美作ICから車で約10分

グーグルマップ https://goo.gl/maps/XsRL3H3iG1nbikZm7

Okayama Prefecture Recommended! !
Mimayu Yugo river bed Cherry blossoms along the Yoshino River Take a walk around the hot spring town About 50 Somey Yoshinos lined up on the riverbed of the Yoshino River that flows south of Yugo Onsen Town.
It blooms beautifully to celebrate the spring visit every April.
If you go down the riverbed there are lawns, stone steps and benches, and you can see flowers while having a picnic or a walk.
Also, on the night of the flowering period, the cherry blossoms are lit up and you can enjoy the fantastic night cherry blossoms.